
Writing and Me

There are some things in this world that are true no matter what. The sky is blue, water is wet, and tomorrow will always come. I also believe that some things are only true if you make them so, such as writing. But to put truth into your writing you need a voice. In order to have a voice, you need to know yourself. I think that's what prevented me from fully establishing a productive relationship with the art of writing up until now. You see, i have in the past struggled with my identity. Being young, black, and male in North America doesn't leave much room for self discovery and self exploration. You are meant to be a stereotype, you are not an individual, and when you step outside of the boundaries of what your supposed to be, you are now faced with question of your identity. To some, the idea of not to knowing who you are, or who you should be based on the colour of your skin and your environment might be unheard of, or even absurd. But i think that most people can identify. This is more than just the black experience; more broadly its an aspect of the human condition. The lack of individuality in society is perpetuated by Television, mainstream music, BET, Hollywood, and mass media in general. I am embarrassed to say that this did effect me at one point, and it probably still does. But i will try to defy this weakness. Through my writing i will express my individuality and hopefully i will grow beyond what i feel i should be, and be what i am. I will create the truth in my writing, i will define my identity.

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